Saturday, September 18, 2010


Yesterday I finished reading Sh*t My Dad Says and I have to say that it is an awesome book, totally reccomend it, plus ists funny as hell. Now I had to make a tough decision, reading Lolita or Pride and Prejedice.

Lolita it is! I bought my two books at borders the other day, they're all new and everything. I LOVE new books.

I started reading the intro yesterday. Its not like I haven't read the two books before, because I have, but because they were check-out from the library, I didn't finish reading them. One thing about me is that I do not like being pressured when I read a book.

But I skipped the intro last time I read Lolita so I'm just gonna read it over again.


What the fuck is a jump break? I have no clue, but I'm using it. So I have a test for Honors Chemistry tuesday, joy! (note the sarcasm) And were getting our skills test back in Honors Pre-Calculus. I'm nervous to say the least and I don't want to check zangle, it only puts my mood in a damper.

I should at least write for  my story, but I have no inspiraton, but I'll see what I can do. I don't want to feel pressures to update soon, but at the same time I do want to update, it feels nice when I post a new chapter and I get lots of reviews. Review make my day.

I also have two other blogs, of course this one, a personal one. My other blog is for my stories, when I post teasers and pictures that reside to my stories. And my last one is for my IB experience. A way where I can reflect for the CAS past of the IB Diploma.

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